American Kestrel

Eagles, Kites & Vultures

American Kestrel

Falco Sparverius

​Our tiniest bird here at the centre is Mojito the American Kestrel, Tiny in body size but not in attitude! These micro falcons will take prey twice their own size in the wild; although more than happy to catch grasshoppers and such like too. A much more rapacious bird than our own Common Kestrels for sure.

Often found living in the same areas as Burrowing Owls and here at Icarus Mo’ and Pedro often fly in the same place.

​Due to their tiny size and mortality due to predation by other American raptors the ‘AK’ wears its adult plumage from the first year and can breed at just a year old.

Visit the Falconry

Book an Experience

Watch an owl swoop through its natural, woodland habitat, stroll in open countryside accompanied by a hawk and witness an eagle or vulture soar before diving back down to earth and onto the gloved arm.

Animal welfare licence number: 19/01095/AWEA

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Site by Christian Parker Ltd.

Icarus Falconry
Holdenby House

Holdenby, Northampton